the actual curse is for your left ear to fall into your right pocket, it may not work now, but the flash card is of a right ear. Third Coast Skeleton head.

I had hoped to spend the day making these, it didn't work out quite as planned. But I found some fun quotes to work with the flash card pictures and have them roughed in.
Now I want to try to do the rest of the deck!
My apologies for the political reference above, I was showing these to a friend and her husband suggested this one.
Again, thank you so much for peeking in at my blog this month, I know it was hard to go through all the blogs, I tried to visit everyone at least once, and I'm not sure I made it. It was more than I could do to keep up with the daily post, we were on vacation one week, the pastor of our church took a new church call, volunteered for the interim search committee, and the list goes on and on, and I know everyone had "life" to deal with. but I hope it provided a little escape for folks. It did for me! Thanks for your kind comments.
I've decided to continue posting altered vintage flash cards from this series, and I have some from a swap I never posted, so check in once in a while.
Happy Halloween!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad